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Matrix II (Emigre)

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Matrix II is a complete reworking of the Matrix type family which

was originally designed by Zuzana Licko in 1985. The redesign,

which started in January 2007, was initiated by the need to create

an OpenType version of Matrix. With the hood open, so to speak,

Licko used the opportunity to make subtle changes and to fine

tune many of the existing characters which were designed some

20 years ago. The contrast between thick and thin strokes was

decreased in some instances, and overshoots were corrected. The

width of various characters was adjusted and regularized. The cross

stroke on the f was simplified on most weights. The design of the

lower case g was revisited and an alternate single story version

was designed and added to the OpenType version. Seven new fonts

were also added to the family: a Semi Narrow, Semi Wide, Semi Tall,

Inline Italic, and 3 weights of Italic - a less flamboyant version of

Matrix Script. To clearly set this version apart from the original

Matrix, and to avoid conflict with previous versions, its name was

amended to Matrix II.


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Schon klar. Aber der User hat nach dem Einsatz der Matrix II gefragt. »Kannst Du ad hoc ein paar Beispiele nennen, in der die neue Matrix verwendet wird?«

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