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Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, die von Ihrem Browser auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden. Sie sind nötig, um die Benutzung der Website zu ermöglichen bzw. zu verbessern. Die Cookies dienen zum Beispiel dazu, das Login zu vereinfachen oder bestimmte persönliche Einstellungen zu speichern.

Nötige System-Cookies

Diese Cookies sind technisch nötig und können nicht abgelehnt werden.
Nötige System-Cookies
This cookie temporarily stores session data if you use a third party login processor.

This cookie stores the member id of the currently logged in member.

This cookie is used to save the session identifier.

This cookie stores the editor identifiers to truncate the automatically saved content.

This cookie stores the last search timestamp.

This cookie stores the device identifier.

This cookie contains the ID of your current session.

This cookie is set after login, it is used by caching mechanisms to identify if you are logged in.

This cookie is set when a guest members session requires that the output is not cached / coming from the cache.

This cookie is used to identify if Javascript is enabled in the browser.

This cookie stores the cookie consent preferences.

This cookie stores the cookie consent opt-in status for guests.

This cookie is used to identify when the guest terms & conditions bar has been dismissed.

These cookies are used to track authentication for password protected forums. There may be multiple cookies with similar names where * is replaced with the forum ID.

This cookie stores an invoice ID if a purchase is being made during registration

This cookie stores an estimated location of the member, it is used to calculate taxes according to the members region.

This cookie stores the currency that the member has selected to view the site in.

This cookie stores a transaction key for a guest member, it is used to identify the guest when viewing a pending transaction.

These cookies are used to verify compliance in forums that require rules to create new topics. There may be multiple cookies with similar names where * is replaced with the forum ID.

Optional Cookies

These cookies are not required, but can be enabled to enhance your browsing experience.

Wie ändere ich meine Cookie-Einstellungen?

Die meisten Webbrowser erlauben die Anpassung der Cookie-Speicherung. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie http://www.meine-cookies.org. Um die Erfassung durch Google Analytics zu unterbinden, besuchen Sie http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
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