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Suitcasetype: Bistroscript

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Suitcase Type Foundry is an independent type foundry, founded by Tomas Brousil in 2003 in Prague, Czech Republic. We are specialised in the design and digitisation of quality fonts for professional use. Apart from retail type we also produce custom typefaces for corporate use and other specific purposes on commission.

Our library offers over 170 fonts. All have been designed with utmost care, meticulously kerned and hinted, and include all accents necessary for setting most Latin script languages.

New: Bistro Script

BistroScript is a contemporary calligraphic script inspired by promotional art in the 1960s. Thanks to OpenType features, a variety of ligatures and alternative glyphs allow the user to create more authentic and varied connections between letters. Used thoughtfully, BistroScript is guaranteed to enhance any print job.


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