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FontExplorer 4 ist erschienen

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Bin ich doof? Auf der Seite steht bei der Mac Version 3.5.2 und bei Windows nur 2.3.3 …

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Auf der Seite finde man nichts. Wenn man im FontExplorer nach Aktualisierungen sucht öfftnet sich aber ein Fenster was Version 4.0 bewirbt. Dort wird dann wieder auf die Website verwiesen ...



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Thomas Kunz

Leider finden sich in den Release Notes noch immer alte, unbehobenen Fehler:




If you are working in a FontExplorer X Server environment, please make sure that the FontExplorer X Server is updated to version 1.7.x before installing the Client version 2.4.0. FontExplorer X Pro version 2.4.0 is not compatible with older server versions and log in will be prevented.


Version 2.4.0 New Features


FontExplorer X Pro now supports Windows 8 installations


SkyFonts integration – FontExplorer X Pro now supports SkyFonts font delivery technology for easily trialing, installing and synchronizing desktop fonts from Fonts.com subscriptions or Google Fonts across multiple workstations


Added a new Smart Set filter for "SkyFonts"


Added a new filter to the "Conflicts" detection feature for expired SkyFonts


Subscription Licensing – If you have a Fonts.com Master or Professional subscription plan you can license your FontExplorer X Pro software with your existing account credentials




The preferences setting "Open FontExplorer X Pro automatically at login" did not work when the application was distributed as a silent/forced installation over the network


Excessive messaging occurred during font activation. Messages have been reduced to one dialog when activating 20 or less fonts


An incorrect activation status was shown on a font set if all fonts in the set were deactivated via the Font Information dialog


The font list activation status was not correctly updated after deactivating fonts in the Preview window via the contextual menu


The 'Activate' button was incorrectly enabled for a Set which contained only missing fonts


Deactivating a font in the Font Information dialog caused the checkbox to dim but the font did not deactivate until the window was closed


A crash would occur when importing fonts into FontExplorer X Pro if the Organize Font option was active and insufficient disk space was available for the new fonts


An empty drop down menu was shown in the Conflicts panel when the language was set to German


Style linking in the font list did not work


Postscript font family name, unique name, and postscript name were being incorrectly displayed on the main name of a TrueType Collection


The status of "Activate" and "Deactivate" in the Ribbon toolbar was not updated correctly after activating or deactivating fonts in the font list


Known Issues


On a multi-user machine (one machine with separate login accounts) FontExplorer X Pro can only be launched by one user. If another user attempts to launch FontExplorer X


Pro a message will be displayed: "FontExplorer X Pro is already running in another user session"


Manually activated PostScript fonts do not display in Adobe applications when font activation is temporary. Workaround: select Activate fonts permanently (required when using Adobe applications) in Options/Advanced panel or activate fonts via the plug-in font request dialog


The auto-activation setting will not be effective for the Quark XPress Plug-Ins. When opening a Quark XPress document, the plug-in dialog will always open. If all the fonts are available in FontExplorer X Pro simply click on Activate All


Smart Sets do not work correctly when placed in Folders


The activation status of a folder is not correctly shown in the source list when all fonts in the contained set are activated. This only occurs when the setting "Show status when activating/deactivating fonts" is disabled


When a subscription font does not appear in FontExplorer X Pro for any reason, manual synchronization from the SkyFonts client does not cause the font to appear.


Workaround: Restart the SkyFonts client


The PDF is not correctly generated when exporting OpenType PostScript flavored fonts from the preview as a PDF image. Other image formats work correctly


The Activate and Deactivate menu items in the contextual menu are not available on Sets, Folders or Smart Sets that contain both active and expired SkyFonts



Important Information

This version of FontExplorer X Pro requires Mac OS X 10.5 or higher. If your operating system is OS X 10.4 you should not install this version, See www.fontexplorerx.com for older versions that run under OS X 10.4.


Changes in Version 4.0 New Features and Improvements

Web font support – Import, preview and organize Web fonts, including WOFF (Web Open Font Format) and EOT (Embedded OpenType) fonts in your local library. WOFF and EOT fonts are currently not supported by the FontExplorer X Server


Web Preview – Experiment on any website with new colors, line spacing and ANY font from your FontExplorer X Pro library – all without changing the code


Slideshow feature – The redesigned slideshow makes it even easier to try selected fonts in your designs by simply overlaying type upon your documents


Mini View – A convenient Mini View option condenses FontExplorer X Pro into a compact window while still providing access to your complete font library


The main Preview can be configured to show when a set of pre-defined, common OpenType features are available in a Font and also to provide a preview of those features


View all of the available OpenType features a Font contains in the Font Information "Detailed Preview" panel. Features can be turned on and off for comparison


Improved Font Preview with options for single line, multi-line or waterfall view. Text can be customized in the preview preferences


Share Font Previews – Share inspiring font previews with friends and colleagues via e-mail, Message, Air Drop, Twitter, Facebook and Flickr (OS 10.8 or higher)


Quick Look fonts directly from your font list (WOFF and EOT fonts are not supported)


Added support in smart sets and the Font Information dialog for the language Maori


When installing FontExplorer X Pro for the first time, a "native language" smart set will automatically be created. This smart set contains all fonts which support the character set required by the language of your OS


Enhanced smart sets – New filters include: Last x Activated fonts, Last x Imported fonts, Supported Languages based on character set, OpenType features and SkyFonts attributes


SkyFonts Support – FontExplorer X Pro now supports SkyFonts font delivery technology for easily trialing, installing and synchronizing desktop fonts from Fonts.com subscriptions or Google Fonts across multiple workstations


Subscription Licensing – Have a Fonts.com Master or Professional subscription plan? You can license your FontExplorer X Pro software with your existing account credentials


Hide Source List – Save even more space for your font previews by having the ability to hide the source list panel


Added one-click classification and icon symbols to the "Classify Fonts" dialog


Added the ability to apply the software license file during installataion via the Setup Assistant


The Print dialog now offers the ability to export and import custom Print templates so you can now share your templates with other FontExplorer X users


A warning message is will be provided when attempting to place System fonts in an activation control set


Missing PostScript Printer fonts can be hidden in the Font List via a new option in the View menu (Hide/Show Missing PostScript Printer Fonts)


Enhancements in the Font Information dialog's "Characters" panel for character "Info". Area is now resizeable and the maximum character size has been increased to 500 points


Exact matches can be searched for in the Font list by specifying the search string in quotes. This also enables searching for blanks which are otherwise interpreted as a separator



The sort order of Fonts, Suitcases and Families in the small information panel was inconsistent


When activating a local Font Set or Server Set, occasionally all fonts would not activate when some of the contained fonts were previously activated or deactivated via the Font Information dialog


FontExplorer X Pro crashed when attempting to print a font sample if the sum of the margins was greater than the selected paper height or width


When a network connection went down during an import or download process, FontExplorer X Pro would occasionally hang. Error handling has been improved around network connections


During Font activation or deactivation it was possible to start other actions which caused the process to halt. Other actions are now blocked until the activation or deactivation process has completed


The Unattended.plist from a QuickInstall package contained numerous keys not relevant to FontExplorer X Pro

Known Issues

Mac OS X 10.6 only: Fonts with # in their filename will not appear in FontExplorer X when they are located in /Library/Fonts. When imported into FontExplorer X Pro or FontExplorer X Server they cannot be activated nor will they display a preview. Resolved with Mac OS X 10.7.x


After fast user switching FontExplorer X Pro refreshes the fonts in order to ensure that any System Font changes made by other users are available to all users on that machine. When doing this, the FontExplorer X Pro main window will always come to the foreground


Mac OS X 10.5.x only (Resolved with Mac OS X 10.6): Removing font suitcases from a System Collection may cause FontExplorer X Pro to crash if some of the fonts in the suitcase are not activated. This may also occur when resolving conflicts and the font suitcase is contained in a System Collection


– Using Mac OS X 10.5.8: Move the fonts you wish to keep to a new System Collection, then delete the System


Am meisten stört mich, dass Smart Sets do not work correctly when placed in Folders. Solange das nicht richtig funktioniert bleibe ich bei meinem alten Font-Manager und das obwohl ich für FeX eine Lizenz habe.

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Ich weiß ja nicht, wo ihr geschaut habt, aber der erste Punkt auf der verlinkten Seite im Text lautet "NEWS FontExplorer X Pro 4.0 now available for Macintosh. See what’s new." und ganz unten ist der link zur 4.0-Trial-Version.

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