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Book typesetting\fonts\size

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 你好!ç 乌尔德有人能帮助我吗?我知道出版一本书需要很多专业的信息,我有一些问题,如果您有任何信息,请与我分享。谢谢!


A:    1,什么字体OT了Lutter比贝尔1984年,如果你知道,请与我们分享,感谢上帝。而关于版14x21.4cm,你知道这个字的大小?
      3,什么是的Lutter比贝尔2017年,15x22cm字大小  的版本?

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Wobei ich die Lutter-Schreibweise jetzt schon charmant finde. Die sollten wir international jetzt mal propagieren, da sonst doch fast alle, die mehr Englisch als Deutsch verstehen (und das ist nun mal die Mehrheit der Weltbevölkerung),  meist nur von Luhßer faseln.

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Am 2016/10/20 um 13:28 schrieb 109:

Heute ist Troll-Tag ;-)

hi,what is the  Troll-Tag? is it a kind of font?I am sorry I can not understand,could you tell me that?

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Am 2016/10/20 um 17:34 schrieb Þorsten:

Wobei ich die Lutter-Schreibweise jetzt schon charmant finde. Die sollten wir international jetzt mal propagieren, da sonst doch fast alle, die mehr Englisch als Deutsch verstehen (und das ist nun mal die Mehrheit der Weltbevölkerung),  meist nur von Luhßer faseln.

thank you for you reply, I am not a German, My German is not very good,So I use English more:-)

do you know the fonts about the Bible? or some other great fonts can use by great Christian books?

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vor 17 Stunden schrieb feya:

I am not a German, My German is not very good,So I use English more

Asking questions in English is fine, as far as I’m concerned. Still, I’m curious: you don’t know enough German to ask a question in an online forum, but you’re planning to publish a book in German? How? :-?



do you know the fonts about the Bible? or some other great fonts can use by great Christian books?

German readers don’t expect typefaces with a “religious flavor” when reading religious texts. Basically there are no dedicated religious typefaces you should use for such texts. Fonts that work well for long, non-technical body text (think: novels) should work just as well for religious works.

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Am 2016/10/23 um 00:28 schrieb Þorsten:

Asking questions in English is fine, as far as I’m concerned. Still, I’m curious: you don’t know enough German to ask a question in an online forum, but you’re planning to publish a book in German? How? :-?



:-D yes, you are right, but our book is being translated.

              German readers don’t expect typefaces with a “religious flavor” when reading religious texts. Basically there are no dedicated religious typefaces you should use for such texts. Fonts that work well for long, non-technical body text (think: novels) should work just as well for religious works.


___     Could you introduce some free fonts which want be used in text? if you could introduce more, we really appreciate.:-P

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Wasn't ITC Weidemann's predecessor (the name escapes me at the moment) even created for the publishing of the "Gute Nachricht Bibel", aiming at efficient use of space without loss of legibility?

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