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»Flexible Typography« bei Audi.

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Flexible Typography

Striking and loud. Or reduced and elegant – the Audi Type font styles allow a wide variety of scenarios and moods. In this way, concrete applications can be geared even more consistently to the target group and the message being conveyed.


Even given this flexibility, Audi Type ensures uniform brand perception across all points of contact – from smartwatch to TV commercial. Here, few elements are more striking in terms of perception than Audi Type Extended. Applied in headlines – from Normal to Bold – this font style is a key distinguishing feature of the brand.


The Audi Type font styles establish simple, clear-cut hierarchies. They are not assigned to any particular vehicle model, vehicle category or business area. Audi Type is available as a file package with predefined font styles and as Audi Type Variable.



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Sebastian Nagel
vor 4 Minuten schrieb Microboy:

Schade ... :-P

Aber ich würde es meinen Anwendern auch verbieten :-)  Büchse der CI-Pandora ...

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