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Commercial Type Vault

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Thomas Kunz




Commercial Type, die Schriftschmiede von Paul Barnes und Christian Schwartz, hat wohl noch etliche (teil)fertige Schriften in ihren Schubladen, die bisher nicht auf den Markt gekommen sind (siehe Zitat unten). Diese können nun lizenziert werden. Dazu ist eine Registrierung notwendig.


Commercial Type Vault




Welcome to the Commercial Type Vault, a repository for 17 years of unreleased typefaces. Here you’ll find works in progress, old custom projects, finished families that still need specimens and marketing materials, and some barely usable sketches. After years of giving access to much of this work to our friends and acquaintances, we’ve decided to throw the doors open and make these typefaces available to anyone who is interested. Everything in the Vault can be licensed for immediate use, but some families are more usable than others. We have done our best to communicate how complete each typeface is, including a tester and snapshot showings of all character sets, so you can make sure your needs are covered before you commit. Since many of the typefaces here are still in progress, you’ll need to register for an account, in case we need to notify you of updates for typefaces you have licensed.


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