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Zócalo Text, Banner & Display (FontBureau)

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Cyrus Highsmith’s Zócalo (Mexican for “central plaza”) is a spirited new series with an exuberant personality. Conceived originally for Eduardo Danilo’s redesign of El Universal, Zócalo takes oldstyle forms after the late 17th-century manner of Nicholas Kis and animates them with typical Highsmith style, inspired by the energetic character of Mexico City.

Taking additional cues from the classic newsface Ionic No. 5, Zócalo Text is broad and sturdy, with a large x-height and generous counters. It excels in narrow columns and small text. For larger sizes, there are two distinct versions with narrower proportions and refined contrast: Banner retains some of the robust character of the Text with hardy flat serifs, while Display replaces these with sharper, slightly bracketed serifs and adds extra sparkle and elegance with even higher contrast.

Together, all three versions form a unique, multifaceted family with singular verve and vitality.




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