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infos über schriftarten/-künstler?

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ich suche websites mit detaillierten informationen zu bestimmten schriftarten/-künstlern, momentan speziell zur interstate / tobas frere-jones. habe bis jezt nur kurz-beschreibungen gefunden, gibt es im netz überhaupt detailliertere infos oder finde ich die nur über fachliteratur/printmedien?

vielen dank schonmal


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wie wärs hiermit:


bei typophiles typowiki steht auch etwas über ihn.


"Tobias Frere-Jones is the Director of Typography at Hoefler & Frere-Jones, the type foundry he runs with designer Jonathan Hoefler. The designer of more than five hundred typefaces, Frere-Jones’ published work includes Gotham, Whitney and Retina.

After receiving his BFA in 1992 from Rhode Island School of Design, Frere-Jones joined Font Bureau, Inc. in Boston. Over seven years as a Senior Designer, he created a number of the typefaces that are Font Bureau’s best known, among them Interstate and Poynter Oldstyle & Gothic. He joined the Yale School of Art faculty in 1996 as a Critic. In 1999, he left Font Bureau to return to New York, where he began work with Jonathan Hoefler. Since working together, the two have collaborated on projects for The Wall Street Journal, Martha Stewart Living, Nike, Pentagram, GQ, Esquire, The New Times, Business 2.0, and The New York Times Magazine.

He has designed over two hundred typefaces for retail publication, custom clients, and experimental purposes. His clients have included The Boston Globe, The New York Times, The Cooper-Hewitt Museum, The Whitney Museum, The American Institute of Graphic Arts Journal, and Neville Brody. He has lectured at Rhode Island School of Design, Yale School of Art, Pratt Institute, Royal College of Art, and Universidad de las Americas. His work has been featured in How, ID, Page, and Print, and is included in the permanent collection of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. Hoefler and Frere-Jones’ collaboration has earned them profiles in The New York Times and Time Magazine."

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