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[Global Type] Fusion von typomapp und Global Type

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Lars Kähler

Werte Mitleser,

nach langen Diskussionen haben Leo Dumea von typomapp und ich beschlossen, unsere

beiden Projekte zusammenzuführen. Wir werden den schon eingeschlagenen, non-

kommerziellen Weg weiter verfolgen. Als ersten Schritt werden wir die Datenbank

normalisieren, das ist von außen nicht sichtbar, bringt aber eine ganze Reihe von

Vorteilen. Der nächste Part wird der Aufbau des Menüs für die Ergänzungen und

Korrekturen sein.

I am happy and proud.


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Ja Wahnsinn – meinen herzlichsten Glückwunsch! :huhu:

Das scheint mir eine großartige Lösung zu sein. Halt uns auf dem Laufenden!

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Unfortunately, after long discussions, we arrived at the point where we discovered that the merger will not be possible (huge communication problems, completely different ideas about the end result, prioritization, implementation, etc.).

We will continue as before, on separate ways, but we are not excluding a collaboration. I have already provided Lars all the Typomapp text to use it as a starting point. Please be aware that it is not text I have really “written”, my work consisted in collecting, filtering, shortening, finding coordinates – and it was quite a good amount of work. I cannot provide anything else (like coordinates, samples, dates, etc.) because there are users who paid for the app.

I don't have a problem switching to a free/open-source model as long as the end result will (at least in theory) be better than what I provide right now by myself (basically this is all about having a clear idea about what is to be built and how).


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hab mich zugegebenermaßen noch nicht tief genug beschäftigt mit der Materie „Global Type“ um wirklich mitreden zu können, ein Problem scheint mir dann aber doch zu sein, daß etwas arg offensiv mit ungelegten Eiern umgegangen wird.

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Lars Kähler

Mag sein. Aber ich wundere mich gelegentlich auch etwas, welche Resonanz meine Meldungen hier erzeugen. Ich gebe zu, mit dieser Meldung voreilig gewesen zu sein, aber das gilt strenggenommen und sehr spitzfindig betrachtet auch nur von Leos Standpunkt aus. Er hatte mir das telefonisch zugesagt (wirklich!) und ich hatte ihn nur noch um eine Bestätigung per eMail gebeten. Darauf habe ich drei Stunden vergeblich gewartet und dann gepostet.

Die Meldungen, die dann hier eingingen, waren ja auch eine Art virtuelles Schulterklopfen. Endlich mal ein echter Erfolg, ein vorzeigbares Ergebnis. Aber im Verlauf der nächsten Wochen hat Leo mir zunehmend und immer wieder Konfusion vorgeworfen, am Ende sagte er gar, er könne mit mir gar nicht zusammenarbeiten, dabei hatten wir anfangs sogar an eine gemeinsame Firma gedacht (!). Naja, soll er machen, wie er meint. Ich verstehe bloß nicht so richtig, warum er mir dann die ganzen Texte von typomapp zur freien Verfügung überlassen hat. Die sind jedenfalls ebenso wie die ganzen Bilder, die ich schon gesammelt habe, jetzt natürlich Gold wert. Das wird dann also mein Job für die nächsten Wochen und Monate sein, das alles in Google Earth einzubauen.

Aber wenn jetzt die ATypI wirklich das komplette Projekt übernehmen würde, wäre ich aller Sorgen ledig. Dann könnten wir alle hier daran weiterarbeiten, das Ganze pflegen und verschönern. Es wird das Weltgewissen der Typografie werden. Viel besser als ein simples Wiki.

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Lars Kähler

Und hier ein erstes konkretes Ergebnis: Der dritte POI, „Theben 3200 v. Chr. – die Entstehung der ersten ägyptischen Hieroglyphen“. Das ist jetzt natürlich nur ein Bild, aufgebaut auf einem Screenshot in Google Earth und dann in Photoshop mit einer Textebene und zwei weiteren Bildern versehen.

Ich mache das nachher als „*.kmz“ Datei verfügbar, wenn es mir gelingt, den Google Earth Exportfilter zu überreden, mir das ohne allzu großen Widerstand zu erlauben. :-D

Im ersten Anlauf ist er jetzt erst einmal kommentarlos abgestürzt, das kann ja heiter werden. :lol:

Naja, hier jedenfalls das Bild:


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I have tried to translate the latest messages but I don't understand them completely and I am not sure if they are addressed to me or not.

Here are some clarifications:

We have decided that the merger will not be possible strictly due to practical reasons (we are just not moving forward); we have discussed a lot of things but in the end we haven't managed to arrive at the “common denominator”. We simply cannot work together, unfortunately. There are countless reasons but I don't want to continue on this topic. It is also not extremely important why.

The most important thing is how to move forward. I have offered my text because I've just wanted to help. Lars can spend time on development instead of working on text in the beginning.

I don't understand how Global Type is going to evolve. Kickstarter? Taken over by ATypI?

Even though I have decided initially that I will just do my thing and continue on my own no matter what, maybe the project could evolve differently:

In case you would like to build the same webapp as Typomapp, I can offer you the already developed system (I have it already, why double the work?). By “you” I mean the users/admin of this forum. I don't want anything in return (well, if you later develop a killer feature and you want to share the result with me I will not say no, of course). You could develop a German or multilingual version, it's up to you. The only condition is to be offered as a non-profit solution.

I cannot make the back-end public right now, If somebody is interested in taking over the system and taking care of the implementation and later maintenance, let me know and I will explain how it works (via email) and we can discuss the details.

If you have another idea, please let me know.


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In case you would like to build the same webapp as Typomapp, I can offer you the already developed system (I have it already, why double the work?). By “you” I mean the users/admin of this forum. I don't want anything in return (well, if you later develop a killer feature and you want to share the result with me I will not say no, of course). You could develop a German or multilingual version, it's up to you. The only condition is to be offered as a non-profit solution.

Looks like this part was not very clear. Now that I read it again I can only agree. Sorry about that.

It is very clear to me that I cannot work with Lars (or Lars with me, it doesn't matter anymore). But I can work with somebody else, maybe. I am thinking about opening Typomapp (as a matter of fact I am working on designing the contributors system – accounts pages, poi editing pages, edit history, etc.).

It takes an awful amount of time to gather good content. A community will do way much better.

So far, I am seeing the following possibilities:

1. build some sort of “wiki” at typomapp.com (people can create accounts, edit existing points, create new ones); offer support for several languages; I own the software platform, I don't own the content; not very clear, license details have to be decided; this is anyway lawyer stuff; the main idea is that I don't want to reuse the content for something else like iOS, Android apps;

2. offer the software to other people interested in using the system. It's like offering a copy of the software for free for personal use. If, for example, somebody on this forum is saying “hey, I can do that! Would you give me a copy to build a German version?” I would say: “Yes, no problem, where you want to host it and what you intend to do with it? Who is backing you up?” And if I see that the person is really interested in moving the project forward I will be more than happy to provide the software and support for free;

3. make Typomapp completely open-source (or only the system behind–let's call it “x-mapp”–as this could be used for a lot of things - e.g. Graphic design history, music history, pretty much everything). This is a little bit more complicated (system adjustments, websites, repositories, forums, etc.);

There will be maybe other possibilities, each of them having advantages and disadvantages.

But first, I need to finish the product and decide what I do with the mobile apps. I could just make them free but as I said before, some people bought the mobile version. I have promised some things, I need to think about it.

I something's not clear or you have questions, please let me know and I will do my best to answer all.

Thanks Lars for spotting the issue.

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