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verwendete Schrift von 1936 gesucht

Zur besten Antwort springen Gelöst von Erwin Krump,

Empfohlene Beiträge

Another type that has a long history of doubles and renaming was first known as Kristall Grotesk,

an in-house design by the Leipzig-based Wagner & Schmidt type foundry. The many versions

can be distinguished by alternate character sets (e.g. some fonts come with a single story ‘a’,

while others feature the double-story alternative).

According to Philipp Bertheau’s Atlas zur Geschichte der Schrift, a comprehensive encyclopedia

of typefaces, Kristall Grotesk was revived and released under these names in the following years:

as Polar Grotesk (or simply Polar) in 1930 by J. John Söhne in Hamburg; as Rund Grotesk

with C. E. Weber, Stuttgart, in 1931 and once more as Kristall Grotesk with the Norddeutsche

Schriftgießerei in Berlin. It was apparently released abroad as Saxo with the Berling type foundry

in Sweden and as Predilecta with José Iranzo in Spain. In reference to its original name

(spelled slightly different) it was distributed as Krystal-Grotesk in Denmark.



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