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Hermann Zapf 1918—2015

Empfohlene Beiträge

Lars Kähler

Ich habe es von der ATypI erfahren, wo Cynthia Betty uns verständigt hat.


Jerry Kelly of the The Kelly-Winterton Press reports on his Kickstarter
site that Hermann Zapf has passed away at the age of 96:

"It is with deep sorrow that we report that Hermann Zapf passed away
peacefully at home last night, at the age of 96. We have lost a great
artist whose work touched hundreds of millions – if not billions – of
people around the world. Edward Johnston, the father of modern calligraphy
wrote about a hundred years ago that “Our aim should be, I think, to make
letters live... that men themselves may have more life.” Surely no one has
done this to a higher level, and reached more people with their beautiful
letters, than Hermann Zapf."

Jerry has been raising funds to publish a facsimile of Zapf's wartime
sketchbooks, you can check it out here:


My best,


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