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wer kann mir helfen, die Schrift zu identifizieren bzw. mir eine ähnliche nennen? Myfonts.com und whatfontis.com waren leider erfolglos...


Ganz herzlichen Dank!!!


Bildschirmfoto 2016-11-27 um 14.19.50.png

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Gast bertel





Anmerkung des Autors


You’ve found one of DeNada Industries’ many typefaces.

I hope you like them!

This is shareware. I’m asking for a measly $10 for each computer you put the font on and ONLY if you use it. If you don’t use it, don’t send me anything! Sound simple? If you're going to use the font commercially (or you plan to put it on more than five computers), e-mail me and we can discuss bulk discounting.

If you wanna include this in some collection, or on your website, that’s cool. Please let me know. If you can give me a copy of the CD that’d be even better. You MUST include this readme file though. It’s important. Otherwise you’re nothing but a dang pirate and pirates can go hang!

Send the shareware fee to me here: 
Mike Allard
2006 NW 53rd Ave, #F12
Gainesville, FL 32653

Cash is fine, just wrap it in a piece of paper and let me be surprised when I open the envelope. I love surprises.

I also accept PayPal payments.


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