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Dry Inc.

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Thomas Kunz

P22 hat einen neuen Ableger für physische Güter, wie z. B. Bücher, Drucke, Zubehör: Dry Inc.


P22 Announce DRY Inc.
Letterpress Prints, Books, Printing Supplies, and Other Fine Things

We have found over the years that our current website has its limitations for letting us provide you with physical products—and our physical products have grown in number and scope—so we have decided to spin-off all the physical products onto a new platform with a new brand: DRY-inc.com.


DRY Inc will feature new products from the DRY brand as well as continuing to provide all physical products previously known as P22 Analog. We will offer an assortment of hand-crafted and occasionally machine-assisted books, prints, letterpress printing supplies, and other fine things for your enjoyment.

Eventually (soon) P22 will discontinue the products from the P22.com. But don’t worry, P22.com will continue to focus on delivering you the most unique digital fonts available.


Come on over to DRY-Inc.com and sign up for our newsletter to keep up-to-date on the latest product and print releases. Sign up within the next week and get a coupon code for 15% off any order placed before December 31, 2021.


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Oliver Weiß

Werden die Preise für die Bücher danach berechnet wieviele Seiten ich am Tag lese? Oder im Bett oder in der U-Bahn? 

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