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Help with Romische Antiqua

Zur besten Antwort springen Gelöst von Oliver Weiß,

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Hello Typografie 


I´m Alex from México City, and actually I'm studying typography at TypeWest in San Francisco.

The reason for this topic  i'm researching "Romische Antiqua" , a typeface from Genzsch & Heyse.  I wonder if you have some scans from this typeface, unfortunately in my country I don't have any sources. 

I hope you can answer my questions.

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Hi there, Alejandro, welcome! :-D

I am very sure, the members of our forum can help. But just for interest’s sake – we also have an english forum (typography.guru), where you might find additional helpful answers if you post your request there as well. click here.


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Dan Reynolds

Alejandro! In addition to what Taurec and Oliver have already uploaded, there is this Genzsch & Heyse specimen for the typeface, which Letterform Archive has its on its online archive. With some fiddling, you can get some pretty big versions of the photos of each spread on your screen. They’ve also uploaded their specimen photos to archive.org. Anyway, here it is!



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