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Bree (TypeTogether)

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Bree, based on our own logotype, is a sleek sans serif that delivers a polished and

modern look and feel for branding or headline usage. Some of its most characteristic

features are the one-story 'a', the cursive 'e', the curves in the outstrokes of 'v' and

'w', the flourish 'Q' and the fluidity of shapes on 'g y z'. Alternate letters of these are

available when a more classical look is desired.

Clearly influenced by handwriting, Bree shows a pleasant mixture of rather unobtrusive

capitals and the more vivid lowercase letters, that give the text a spirited and lively

appearance. It is definitely a memorable upright italic!

Bree Basic Extended features four sets of numerals, ligatures, alternate characters,

fractions, scientific superior/inferior figures and language support for over 40 languages

that use the Latin script.

Designed by Veronika Burian and José Scaglione.


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