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Alternative für Deck (Webfont)

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Thomas Kunz

Die Anonymous von Mark Simonson ist auch eine Schrift mit dicktengleichen Zeichen. Es gibt sie bei bei Google Fonts (SIL Open Font License, 1.1). Sie sollte also als Webfont funktionieren. Leider kommt sie der Deck nicht annähernd nah (außer dass beide sogenannte Typewriter-Fonts sind).

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Thomas Kunz

Bieten die auch Web-Fonts an? Ja, tatsächlich:


Binnenland Webfonts for self-hosting


Here are some helpful notes about our position regarding font usage for web publishing.


All our fonts can be purchased now for self-hosting on your websites. The fonts have to be implemented via @fontface. We require the implementation of an additional script to avoid hot-linking from third parties. Please see technical description (pdf) or the details below.

We offer the fonts in the formats .woff, .eot and a reduced .ttf-version without kernings for webfont support in older safari-browsers, .svg-fontfiles on request.


Browser Support:
Internet Explorer can use webfonts in Embedded OpenType (EOT) format from version 4 and higher. Firefox introduced support for webfonts in Web Open Font Format (WOFF) in version 3.6. Other browsers do not (yet) support these formats. To cover the support of standard CSS by almost all current Browsers, Binnenland offers a TrueType-Font in a light-version. This may be changed in the future.

WOFF has been supported by Mozilla Firefox 3.6+, Google Chrome 5+, Opera Presto, and it is supported by Internet Explorer 9 (since March 14, 2011). Support is available on Mac OS X Lion‘s Safari from release 5.1.

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