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Wo gibt es diese Schrift als Font?

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Dies ist ein Muster der Werk-Gotisch.

Schriftgießerei Ludwig & Mayer, Frankfurt am Main

Erstguß 1900, ein Hausschnitt.

Ein Kunde von mir braucht zum Restaurieren von Büchern (?) o.ä. diese Schrift. Ich habe leider nur dieses abgebildete Muster hier aus einer Schriftenprobe von Seemann und kann ihm nicht einmal ein vollständiges Alphabet mit allen Punkturen und Ziffern anbieten. (Was ihm lt. eigener Aussage auch schon reichen würde)

Weiß jemand einen Rat?

Gott grüß die Kunst



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Hallo zusammen,

ich bin oben genannter Kunde. Ein herzl. Dankeschön an Georg.

Würde gerne die Werk-Gotisch gerne einsetzen. Sie gefällt mir.

Ich habe nur ein Paar Buchstaben vom Schutztitel eines Liederbuchs, das ca. 1960 +/- 5 gedruckt wurde. Die Druckerei ist höchstwahrscheinlich nicht mehr existent. Eine Verlagsangabe gibts auch nicht. Ich habe die Buchstaben bereits mit Fontforge digitalisiert. Kein Problem soweit. Ich suche aber nach dem kompletten Alphabet.

Ich habe auch angefangen aus den wenigen Buchstaben, die ich habe, den Rest abzuleiten. Ist nicht einfach und ich möchte die Schrift nicht verhunzen.

Schlechte Schriftschnitte gibts genug.

Vielen Dank für jede Hilfe


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Maybe this is of help,

Bradley, an 1895 typeface credited to Joseph Warren Phinney, is based on lettering by Henry William Bradley for a Christmas cover of Harper's Bazaar magazine.

Although not exactly the one you are looking for, by far too bold and missing some of the elegance, I think the Bradley does come close. This would not help at all if contrary to URW's Bradley, Justin Callaghan's version where not dedicated to the public domain:

Digitized by Justin Callaghan. Dedicated to the public domain. This work may be freely reproduced, distributed, modified, or otherwise exploited by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial.

This digitization is based on a specimen from Dover's "Gothic and Old English Alphabets : 100 Complete Fonts" selected and arranged by Dan X. Solo from the Solotype Typographers Catalog.

If you are still in the process of digitizing it may be easier and faster to modify this Bradley.

Which one came first? The URW version, designed by Ralph M. Unger in 2005 or Justin Callaghan's version, also 2005, No idea. But in this case does it really matter? Both designers state that they have digitized a Henry William Bradley design. They can - and should be - credited for the work. Not the design. How come URW claims to own the design is the riddle of the day.

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Maybe this is of help,

Bradley, an 1895 typeface credited to Joseph Warren Phinney, is based on lettering by Henry William Bradley for a Christmas cover of Harper's Bazaar magazine.

Although not exactly the one you are looking for, by far too bold and missing some of the elegance, I think the Bradley does come close. This would not help at all if contrary to URW's Bradley, Justin Callaghan's version where not dedicated to the public domain:

Digitized by Justin Callaghan. Dedicated to the public domain. This work may be freely reproduced, distributed, modified, or otherwise exploited by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial.

This digitization is based on a specimen from Dover's "Gothic and Old English Alphabets : 100 Complete Fonts" selected and arranged by Dan X. Solo from the Solotype Typographers Catalog.

If you are still in the process of digitizing it may be easier and faster to modify this Bradley.

Which one came first? The URW version, designed by Ralph M. Unger in 2005 or Justin Callaghan's version, also 2005, No idea. But in this case does it really matter? Both designers state that they have digitized a Henry William Bradley design. They can - and should be - credited for the work. Not the design. How come URW claims to own the design is the riddle of the day.

But the Bradley is not what we are looking for.

Below the german version of the US Bradley:

http://www.bleisetzer.de/index.php?targ ... 0004&pic=a

..which you get for free here:


But - how I said - this is not the font we are looking for.



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