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Moderno (Font Bureau)

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Intended for display use in print publications, David Berlow

conceived FB Moderno as a relative of Giza, our famous slab serif.

He used Apple's (later abandoned) GX technology to interpolate

between two 19th century serif styles, a "slab" and a "modern" -

a type design first!

After being adopted by Eduardo Danilo for the design of Reforma

in Mexico City (1993), and then Roger Black's redesign of the

Baltimore Sun (1994–95), and by Esquire magazine, the Montreal

Gazette expanded the family under Louise Vincent. Cases i Associats

added even more weights for La Stampa in Turin.

David has now aligned the weights and widths to make a super 32

style family, in much the same manner he tamed Bureau Grot to

make a wide mix of styles. This is a classic (actually neo-classical)

Font Bureau tale of custom font development. The result, we offer

a complete 21st Century Modern Family to you: FB Moderno (Modern

is the traditional name for Bodoni-like typefaces that have a lot of

contrast between thicks and thins).

32 Styles: light, regular, semibold, and bold in normal, condensed,

extra condensed, and compressed widths. All with italics.


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