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Meran (OurType)

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Maurice Göldner's Meran family is a contemporary, eye-catching family. Its design grew out of an exercise to construct capital letters from strips of black paper. The letters were later translated into digital form and given matching roman and italic lowercase designs together with figures.

Meran is not easy to characterize. A sanserif? Undoubtedly, but much more too: with its fresh and distinctive look we might call it a 'contemporary rotunda'. A display type that works well as text, or a text face that performs impressively in display? It's both! Meran is a sanserif with an edge, which offers an exceptional blend between character and utility.

The Meran family consists of roman and italic designs in six weights: Thin, Light, Normal, SemiBold, Bold and Black. Next to the standard character set (STD), the pro character set (PRO) includes small caps; lining, old style and small cap figures (each in tabular and proportional widths); fractions; comprehensive superiors, inferiors, nominators and denominators; case sensitive punctuation sets; mathematical and monetary symbols; arrows; standard and discretionary ligatures; and a complete range of accents covering all (Latin script based) Western, Central and East European languages.

To offer additional choice and flexibility, the Meran family is built around three widths: normal, semi condensed and condensed. The semi condensed has been specially developed for font sizes above 14 point.

Produced and released by OurType in 2008, Meran is available in OpenType STD and PRO.

In advance of its commercial release, the typeface has been used for a number of publications including Stichwort, designed and illustrated by Thomas Müller, and for a semester planner created for the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig. Both demonstrated just how well Meran can serve the demands of both, display and text. In 2007, Meran was awarded the '500 mal x' prize.


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