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Akagi (TypeTrust)

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Akagi started as a rough sketch while on a really long plane ride to Tokyo in 2007.

I wanted to develop a sans that was a complete departure from my successful Aaux Pro

(now Aaux Next) sans serif family. Whereas Aaux and its siblings are rather unforgiving

and stark in their presentation, I wanted this new sans serif to "smile" at you when it’s

on the page. When the plane landed and I realized I did not sleep through the 15 hour

trip, my brain shut off, the laptop closed and I hopped in the car to the hotel – forgetting

the "new sans" folder on my desktop.

Fast forward a few months and I found myself seeing a lot of crisp, rigid, robot-like

sans serif typefaces everywhere ... I enjoy these new crop of faces but wanted to

see something "friendlier" and remembered my earlier sketch work. The groundwork

was there screaming at me to complete and Akagi arose from the ashes. To be truly

satisfied with it personally, a great deal of time was spent trying to create a harmony

between line and curve in an attempt to show that you can be crisp, clean and legible

and still keep some personality. The Light and Fat weights (regular and italic) are

my favorites and I hope to see them as the workhorses of the typeface.



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Gast ChristianBüning

ich finde die Akagi wunderschön, allerdings habe ich den Eindruck, dass derzeit wöchentlich eine Schrift erscheint, die ähnlich anmutet und ähnlich gut ausgebaut ist. Es fällt mir echt schwer, da einen echten Favoriten zu speichern.

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Sieht gut aus, aber es fehlen langes s mit zugehörigen Ligaturen und ein Versal-ß. Das sollte man doch erwarten können zumindestens das lange s.

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