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Milo Serif (FontFont)

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Mike Abbink began FF Milo in 2000 with the goal of creating a compact typeface with very short ascenders and descenders. Because of its compact design FF Milo is a workhorse typeface suitable for magazine and newspaper typography. It has modern bones with a touch of detail for distinction (especially in the italics). The designer named the typeface after a resilient grain. Much like corn or grain is for many cultures, FF Milo is intended to be a solid staple of any typographic diet.

With the help of Paul van der Laan for kerning, spacing and production, Abbink developed FF Milo Serif as a companion to the Sans, but it is also perfectly suitable as a stand alone typeface or used together with any other sans serif typeface. Like its counterpart, FF Milo Serif is also a resilient grain. Although rooted with historical attributes it is truly a contemporary face. FF Milo Serif comes with small caps, tabular figures, oldstyle figures, lining figures, as well as a wealth of ligatures.

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