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Die Schriftmuster der Welt in einer Datenbank …

Dala Moa & Co.

Empfohlene Beiträge

Wow! Habe mir die Foundry eben mal etwas genauer angesehen: Im Hinblick auf Ästhetik, Ausbau der Fonts und die Lizenzpolitik* scheinen sie ihrem Namen alle Ehre zu machen. Danke für den Hinweis!


*Insbesondere den letzten Anstrich finde ich interessant:


License ownership


Whoever is using the font must have a license.

  • When using fonts to create artwork for your client, only you need a license.
  • When your client uses the font for some office work, they will also need a license.
  • When you buy a license for more than one user, you can share the license with your client.

You can also buy a license for your client: add a license owner during the checkout process.


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Etude von Emily Atwood, herausgegeben von Order Type Foundry



Inspired by the study of type design and experimental music techniques, the name “Etude” comes from the French verb “étudier” rooted in the meaning of “study.” True to the name, Etude is a study of the broad nib pen, the history of handwritten music notation, and the influence of Jean-Pierre Rousselet’s constructed stencil forms into three distinct weights. As the family cascades from Light to Bold, the weights become a crescendo from soft and delicate to loud and more prominent on the page.


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